One of the main advantages is that the provider is responsible for their safety. Here are other advantages of this approach.

  • Scalability. You use and pay for exactly the amount of services you need. And you can flexibly change the configuration both upward and downward.
  • You don’t need to buy equipment that will then sit idle. This provides flexibility, global scalability and reliability.
  • High startup speed. With cloud infrastructure, your IT staff can get the right amount of storage and project deployment space quickly. They’ll be able to do more important work instead of maintaining storage.
  • In storage, you can configure access levels to information of any complexity. You can enter and modify access levels to different data so that each user sees only the information they need.

How to choose a reliable cloud storage vendor
A good vendor has several qualities that will make your collaboration predictable and keep you from unpleasant surprises.

It should have experience with the best storage solutions on the market. A good sign if he has professional certification from the manufacturer and successful cases with large companies.
The provider should be experienced in managing a complex IT infrastructure, with different types of storage.
It is good if the storage and network infrastructure is located in a reliable Tier III data center.

It is also important to determine beforehand how much data you expect to store in the cloud and what type of data it will be. The clearer you can answer these questions in advance, the more accurately you can calculate the costs when discussing your specific cloud solution with your vendor.

17 Post

Moser Louis